





发布时间:2024-07-02    浏览次数:

香港理工大学 盛欐教授

题目:Individual Differences in Spoken Language Development: Internal and External Factors

Abstract: Language acquisition is a fluid and dynamic process determined by both learner-internal and environmental factors. My research takes an individual differences approach with the aims of specifying the influence of multiple factors and drawing practical implications for spoken language assessment. In this talk I will highlight several lessons we learned through the study of childhood bilingualism, second language acquisition, children with Developmental Language Disorder, and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. These lessons delineate the complex effects of compromised learning system, reduced language input, and the typological features of the languages to be learned on learning outcomes. In addition, they provide implications regarding disentangling differences from disorders in bilingual children and markers of language disorders in typologically distinct languages.

主讲人简介:盛教授,香港理工大学中文及双语研究学系教授博士生导师,学系研究委员会主席;上海儿童医学中心访问教授,上海海事大学客座教授,上海浦东新区百人计划创新人才;美国言语-语言-听力协会成员, 萨尔茨堡全研讨会会士2007年至2021年,她先后任职于德州大学奥斯汀分校和特拉华大学。以推动对语言发展机制的理解,改善语言障碍人群的生活质量为目标,盛教授开展了基础,转化,临床等多层次的研究。近年来,盛教授主要探究了学习者的内部因素(如学习能力和执行功能),环境因素(如语言输入的数量和质量)和语言因素(如目标语言的特点)如何共同塑造学习结果。盛教授主持或参与包括香港政府大学教育资助委员会基金项目美国国家教育科学院基金项目,美国斯宾赛基金会项目,美国言语-语言-听力协会基金项目,教育部人文社科项目在内的多项科研项目。盛教授曾任国际期刊「美国言语语言病理期刊」(American Journal of Speech Language Pathology)副主编,并担任30余种国际核心刊物及美国、新加坡、奥地利、香港多项学术基金的评审专家。